slow drain?blocked toilet? call us!!!!!!!!!!!!

We give you the best quality service with the lowest prices in Miami-Dade County and that s a gaurantee How can we gaurantee our price will be the lowest Easy because when you call us to do a job for you you get to NAME YOUR PRICE thats right visit our website for more information ( ) we give you 5 star service for all your drain and handyman needs and Remember Never an over time charge Never a trip charge We don t charge per foot or cable Or which machine we use to clear your dain it s one price that is approved by you Never a hidden charge What we agree on is what you pay. Fully insured We treat your home or business like our own Which means when we finish a job we leave the job like we were never there.... We service all of Miami-Dade County at this time only. So go ahead and visit our website and start saving now



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