Wauzer - Is a hybrid designer dog westiemin schnauzer

A wauzer Is a hybrid designer dog westie min schnauzer (2 males & 1 female left) Living with a Wauzer Personality The Wauzer is an outgoing and sweet dog but a true Terrier. Temperament The Wauzer is very smart and can learn anything. Family Dog The Wauzer makes a great family dog. Shedding The Wauzer does shed a bit especially in their bed but other than that they don t shed much. Grooming The Wauzer requires brushing regularly as they do get mats on their legs belly and head. Behavior The Wauzer is a playful affectionate smart adorable watch dog who loves to dig swim and play tug of war. Exercise The Wauzer likes to have daily walks or some form of excercise especially if they were walked as a puppy as they can fall into the routine. Physical Ability The Wauzer can jump incredibly high and would make a great rally or agility dog. Living Conditions The Wauzer can make a great dog for someone with a small yard provided they get regular walks. Wauzer Appearance Appearance The Wauzer is a small black brindle or mostly black dog with a shaggy appearance button ears and a long tail. They have shorter but not short legs and a longer body like a Westie.Size The Wauzer is a medium-sized dog weighing aroun 15 pounds. Companionship The Wauzer makes a wonderful companion who loves to be with their owner. They love to be lap dogs and will sometimes cry to get into your lap. They are a great mix of a hardy dog and a lover. Eyes The eyes of the Wauzer can be brown incolor .Ears The Wauzer has button ears.Teeth Bite The require frequent cleaning.Body The Wauzer has a stocky build with short legs and a longer body. They are very hardy and not fragile.Gait The Wauzer has a quick gait with a hopping sort of run .Coat The Wauzer has a coarse double coat. Wauzer Facts Characteristics The Wauzer makes a great watch dog. They will give a low growl to alert you of things outside. They were born dec 16 will be ready just in time for Valentine s day ready to go feb 10 but can hold if needed till feb 13...will have first shot parasite tested and dewormed. 50.00 deposit & remainder 350.00 due on the day of pick up



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