Bailey - Female Maltese Mix

You can fill out an adoption application online on our official website.Visit this organization s web site to see any additional information available about this pet. If you are interested in one of our dogs please go to our website -.---.-. Many questions will be answered there. All Orphan Dogs are fostered in private homes by volunteers who graciously take time from work and home life to care for our orphans. We do not have a facility and most dogs are transported to our scheduled Adoption Events Our van is limited on space and because of this sometimes dogs will get time off if the van is overfull. Other arrangements may be made for meeting a dog the dog if circumstances prevent you from being able to make it to events. Remember again though that volunteers foster dogs in their spare time so we encourage you to try to attend the events. If you are local to Lake County we do make arrangements to meet dogs here in town. However please remember that most of our dogs have been in our shelters for weeks before we pull them. We take the dogs that have not been adopted yet. If you visit the shelter you ll get the dog before I do The fee there is far less as well. If you are viewing this description from another website such as Petfinders PLEASE CLICK THROUGH to the -.---.- website for more detailed information about our adoption process and the application ... More Info



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