Letty - Female Domestic Shorthair Mix

If you are interested in adopting an ARPO pet please visit our website for details about our fees and process and to complete our Pre-Qualification Form. ARPO limits adoptions to within 50 miles of Indianapolis. We do not have a shelter all pets are in volunteer foster homes. Hi I m Letty and I was rescued in the nick of time from a shelter in southern Indiana along with my 3 siblings. We call ourselves the L-cats and we are all adorable lovable and a little shy. As the smallest of the litter I am a tiny little girl that enjoys a good belly rub. My sister Lani and I look just alike so if you want twins you can adopt us together. MOL. We think we were born on 5 23 16 but who really knows. We love to play with our Angry Bird toy shoe laces or anything that rolls. If you are interested in adopting an ARPO pet please complete the online Pre-Qualification Form. Our adoption events are held on the following dates and locations Saturdays Fishers Pet Supplies Plus from 11 30-2 30 Castleton Petsmart from 12-4 Please note that not all animals attend the events please email us at --(at)----X to check on a specific pet s location for the upcoming weekend. ... More Info



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