4 7 Feet AC power 6 outlet strip with rest bottom onoff ( CHECK

USED Power Strip 6 Outlet 4 7 Feet Long Long4 7 feetBrandACEItem Weight1.05 poundsOutlet box size10 11 feet long2 feet weightStyle outlet6 outletsModel 33543ColorWhiteShapeCushionPower SourceSwitch Power stripVoltage125Wattage1875Switch stylePress to reset bottomUsageIndoorCheck Our Websites www.bonanza.com listings 4-7-Feet-AC-power-6-outlet-strip-with-rest-bo ttom-on-off-CHECK-FOR-BEST-DETAIL 613867229 st_id 74006224 Included Rest bottom Switch off on bottom 6 outlet Nice clean Few scratch No any Damage Working well ( Passed) Only 1 item left Return within 30 days with original good condition Shipping optional ( please check on the shipping bar right next description) Proved all kind service timing shipping delivery to you



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