Rare Opening in Mason! 2BR Townhome with Private Fenced Yards! -

Upscale community located near the intersection of popular Fields Ertel and Mason-Montgomery Roads in northeast Cincinnati featuring charming two-bedroom Colonial-style townhomes. Gated luxury community in Symmes Township no city taxes Best-in-class amenities including newer appliances and full size washers and dryers Leisure pool with generous sundeck 24 hour fitness center and free tanning Less than 1 mile from DeVry University and the Art Institute of Ohio Rare Opening in Mason 2BR Townhome with Private Fenced Yards Private Fenced Yards Spacious 2BR 2.5BA Townhome Hurry They re Going Fast Save 1200 Was 1099 Now 999 Call Emily or Angie today to schedule your personal tour 513-489-0001For more details please visit our award winning website at www.wellingtonplace-apts.com Wellington Place8770 Wales DriveCincinnati Ohio 45249sales(at)wellingtonplace-apts.comLess than 20 minutes from the University of Cincinnati Quick access to I-275 I-75 and I-71



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