Keep Calm I m A Doxie Mom

Hi I m Mocha and I approve this t-shirt for HOOMINS. My Hoomin pets started a new business and decide to use me as their inspiration and mascot. Little do they know the business is in my name bark bark lets see who s laughing all the way to the bank. Check out our first product and launch of our business Digger Paddies. KEEP CALM I M A DOXIE MOM T-SHIRT CLICK HERE ---> s tshirtLIMITED EDITION PRINT -OFFER EXPIRES ON 3 1 19 Digger paddies is a premier provider of pet products. Our mascot Mocha is the inspiration for Digger paddies and we only provide products that are Mocha approved. Trust us she is a picky and many products get chopped before we put them to market. Before there is an action there is an idea.We exist to provide only the best products that help people and their pets live comfortably.PRODUCT DETAILS PERFECT FOR ACTIVEWEAR OR LEISURE DESIGNED & MADE WITH PREMIUM MATERIALS FREE OFFICIAL LOVE DACHSHUND WINDOW DECAL FREE SHIPPING 100% MADE IN THE USAOrder NOW while supplies last ---> s tshirtJoin us in our Facebook group DiggerPaddies



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