I am Lily Doll

Hi my name is Lily Doll. I am about 4 years old. I was found in Las Vegas starving I think I didn t make the cut for a bait dog because I was too nice Thank God. My first Love Karen Torres saved me from the pound and took me to a loving home. I found love but I didn t find enough room to frolic and it s hard to find time for me in a city when you re working a lot. Karen just wanted me to have a good home I miss her and know she loves me but understand and am thankful to not living in over 100 degrees right now. Since the end of March 2014 I have been in Colorado. Miranda Murphy (with the help of friends and family) has been providing a foster home for me but unfortunately Amy is moving and Miranda has too many cats. They have been kind and taught me a lot I play with the kids and have learned to stay down. I also learned to Heel while hiking (not in town though there s too much distraction). I come sit lay down and give you five but my favorite thing is to give you kisses I learned to fetch my rope in one weekend. I am trying to find a good home with the right people preferable with no other dogs but I think I may be able to get used to it- I like to play I just haven t got the chance that much. I cannot live with kitty-cats although I have gotten used to them they still drive me too crazy. I am however very sweet to all people whom I ve been in contact with and love to play with children as long as they are old and tough enough to wrestle around a bit so I won t knock them over older that two is perfect for me. I love to chase balls and play with my toys. I love to cuddle. I am very smart although sometimes I hear a little funny I try so hard to listen to my people. I have always been up on my shots and can t have puppies. Please share my story and help me to find my perfect person and I promise I have so much Love to give back.



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