Boston Terrier Puppy - Bean

Bean is a cute little CKC male and will be small when fully grown. He s being raised in my home by his mom and I m standing in as the puppy nanny to assist when needed.....I can t help but pick them up and cuddle them on occasion too so he will be very social by the time he s found his fur-ever home with his new family soon. We raise quality Boston Terrier pets from healthy lines and this puppy will arrive to his new home fully checked by his vet vaccinated de-wormed and eating kibble. I ve been involved in canine husbandry all of my life and provide the care that is needed in best practices for raising puppies. Contact me for information on reserving Bean for your very own 601-392-0229 Visit my website at to see more info. Boston Terriers make the best pets ever



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