Lost Blue Heeler Dog 8 yr old female named Mya

Last seen Thursday June 19 9pm at Elite Ridez on the Hwy 69 frontage road in Lumberton Tx. Mya is an older air-conditioning-loving inside dog so being outside in an unfamiliar place is very traumatic for her and she needs to be back home. She was visiting at Elite Ridez in Lumberton went outside to potty and went missing. She is not familiar with that part of Lumberton and has never run off before and we are terribly worried about her. She has a blue collar and it has the owner s address and phone number on the collar. If you see her please call 409-790-2119 or message me or call phone number on collar. s www.facebook.com LOSTandFOUNDPETSofSETexas photos a.401019436577056.101655.398085800203753 818648584814137 type 1& theater



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