Kitters - Female Domestic Shorthair

Please contact ARF for more information about this pet.We welcome specific questions. Due to high volume of applications we may not be able to respond immediately. Your patience is appreciated. If an animal is on our website it is still available but might have other applicants. If you find yourself interested in one of our animals it is in your best interest to submit an application immediately. Submitting an application does not commit you to any animal but does get you a head start with the adoption approval process. We do not schedule meetings until you have an approved application. As an all-volunteer foster home based organization ARF does not have a facility where applicants can visit our animals. The majority of our dogs and cats are brought to adoption events by our volunteers. We invite everyone to come to our events but we must give priority to pre-approved applicants. EPILEPSY Female spayed microchipped up to date on vaccinations currently in a foster home Kitters is an exceptionally sweet cat. She has a very mellow personality and would do very well with someone who wants a great companion who is not high energy. Kitters has epilepsy which is managed with medication. The great thing is that she knows she needs it and is the easiest cat to pill and medicate. She must have a pill 2 times a day and an additional liquid medicine along with her nighttime pill. The medication costs at most 200 for a year s supply. Other than the epilepsy Kitters is in very good health. Her medical records from Wheaton Animal Hospital will be provided to her new owner. Her seizures recently have been mild (30 seconds or less) and infrequent. She only had one witnessed seizure in the last 3 weeks and she bounced back from it almost immediately. Kitters doesn t really like to navigate stairs on her own but will go up and down them if necessary. She would be a great apartment cat. Though there is never a benefit to a chronic condition Kitter s epilepsy also makes her wary of jumping on high things like countertops. Also she never sharpens her claws by scratching on anything. Kitters does NOT need special observation. Her foster works full time so Kitters can be unsupervised for 10 to 12 hours. She does require an owner who will guarantee that she will get her scheduled medications. Her owner will need to arrange for backup care for Kitters if he she is away for vacation business trips etc. Kitters perfect owner may be someone who understands the importance of managing a chronic but not life-threatening condition for herself himself or for another pet. Kitters has been fostered with other cats and dogs and gets along just fine with anyone. She has a mellow nature and alpha cats tend to push her around because she doesn t stick up for herself. She would probably do best around other pets who are not the dominant type. Because her reaction time is a little slow she should probably not be around very small children or kids who don t understand and respect her needs. Kitters is a wonderful sweet girl who is looking for a forever home with people who will give her the love and affection she deserves along with a little extra attention to maintain her health. If you are interested in meeting Kitters you can fill out an online adoption application at -X -.--XX.- application.html Once your application has been approved an ARF volunteer will contact you to arrange a meeting with the cat. Filling out the application does not obligate you in any way. If you re invited to meet an animal plan to arrive on time or early as we cannot hold animals. All household members must be present at time of adoption including dogs. We appreciate your cooperation. Upcoming Adoption Events... More Info



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