Junior - Male American Staffordshire Terrier Mix

Available to foster or adopt Breed American Staffordshire Terrier X DOB est. 4 2013 Gender male Altered yes Coat short Size medium Color(s) brown white Description Needs a Foster Home This dog is in need of a foster home as well as a permanent home. If you are interested in fostering call the Adoption Center at (805) 644-PETS(7387).I am a Staffie mix as handsome as they come. I am high energy looking for someone who can keep up. I need a home because my owner is not able to offer me a home. I know what it is like to love a person and want that chance again. I thought I had to protect my owner so I got confused about my role. Now I have a better understanding but I need someone who reassures me they can take care of things and I can just be a dog. I love playing with other dogs. Because I am so energetic I am looking for a home with big people kids don t seem to get out of my way in time when I am excited. I walk well with a gentle leader and I love fetching toys and walking on the treadmill. I ve worked with trainer and you may watch videos of our sessions. Click here to watch videos of me. Additional information Needs home with no small children Current on shots... More Info



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