Communication Tower Tech. - Compensation: Based on Experience

Tower Tech We are looking for qualified Tower Techs for multiple upgrades. JOB SUMMARY Climb daily to heights up to 300 feet Perform installation of antennas mounts cable ladders cable etc. Assist in testing of sites Perform routine tower maintenance Assist in trouble shooting a variety of systems from cell sites to lighting systems TYPICAL RESPONSIBILITIES Perform daily duties in a safe manner Maintain a professional working attitude with co-workers and customers Uphold quality workmanship and adhere to industry standards REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE SKILLS Cellular Tower Broadcast Tower construction structural and maintenance experience General tower safety knowledge and ability to utilize 100% tie off techniques at all times Able to communicate effectively with co-workers and customers Must have Valid Drivers License DESIRED SKILLS Jin pole Microwave and Rigging experience a plus ComTrain Gravitec Anritsu Andrew Commscope RFS Cablewave Eupen and Boom Truck certifications a plus 1 years experience preferred. PERSONAL ATTRIBUTES Must have reliable transportation. Self motivated and quick learner Team Player Offering a competitive salary and benefits package.



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