Registered Horse and Tack for sale 1200 OBO

Lamont is registered black and white medicine hat gelding paint. He is registered as Pretty Maxxed Out. He is 13 years old and 15 2. He has been to fair 2 times and has been showed a lot at open shows. He has five trophies on him and many ribbions. He was shown in western pleasure horsemanship and showmanship. Due to a recent back injury I have not been able to continue western pleasure training on him for the past few months. He is very laid back and has a very good tempermant as he has never bitten kicked or pinned his ears at anyone. He is caught up on shots deworming and farrier. He is very good with bathing brushing tieing saddling bridling shots and the farrier. He has lots of potential in contesting and english. Has been on many trail rides and parades. Lamont has also been around many children and elder people. For the past few months I have been using him for fun and trailriding. He has never been sick colliced or any lamness issues. He knows how to ground drive and has potential in driving with his stockiness. Since we do intend on buying any other horses we will throw tack in including Saddles bridles reins bell boots cooling blankets saddle pads bits fly masks rope halter and normal halter. All gently used and in good condition.



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