RARE RARE PHOTOGRAPHER S CELL OF Eddie Gaedel (right) in his ONL

RARE RARE RARE PHOTOGRAPHER S CELL OF Eddie Gaedel (right) in his only plate appearance. This is a photographer cell of the signed photo. Photographers used these cells to mass produce prints and other memorabilia. This is cell is extremely RARE and in amazing condition. Davis & Small Old Time Sign Co. Item BB 9450-15Commissioned to reproduce prints that were available in 4 sizes standard or heavy frames. AGAIN THIS IS VERY RARE It will ship overnight and insured. PAY PAL ONLY ..LOCATED IN SUMMERVILLE SC When held up to any light source you can see straight through the cell as you can see on picture 5 held up to the light and viewed from behind (making it reversed). Serious inquiries only please...Asking 4500 or better. PayPal Accepted... This is a must have for the serious collector The following is a brief summary on Edward Carl Gaedel (June 8 1925 June 18 1961) was an American with dwarfism who became famous for participating in a Major League Baseball game. Gaedel (some sources say the family name may actually have been Gaedele[1]) gained recognition in the second game of a St. Louis Browns doubleheader on Sunday Aug. 19 1951. Weighing 65 pounds (29.5 kg) and standing 3 feet 7 inches tall Gaedel became the shortest player in the history of the Major Leagues. He made a single plate appearance and was walked with four consecutive balls before being replaced by a pinch-runner at first base. His jersey bearing the uniform number is displayed in the Baseball Hall of Fame. St. Louis Brown s owner Bill Veeck in his 1962 autobiography Veeck -- As in Wreck said of Gaedel He was by golly the best darn midget who ever played big-league ball. He was also the only one. Gaedel was a professional performer belonging to the American Guild of Variety Artists (AGVA). Before his appearance as baseball s most-famous pinch-hitter Gaedel s most notable gig arguably was when he was hired in 1946 by Mercury Records to portray the Mercury man. He sported a winged hat similar to the record label s logo to promote Mercury recordings. Some early Mercury recordings featured a caricature of him as its logo. Information quoted from Wikipedia to read more on Eddie go to en.wikipedia.org wiki Eddie_Gaedel PLEASE SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY MOTIVATED SELLER WAS ASKING 3500 NOW LOWERED PRICE TO 1500 FIRM THIS IS A RARE PIECE CASH OR PAY PAL ONLY



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