Shiba Inu Puppies and Shibahuahua puppies for sale on Long Islan

Come see my adorable Shiba and Shibahuahua puppies on Long Island.....I am a licensed by New york state 873.....admire the BABY DOLL faces on all my puppies....the puppies have Stunning hair coats and wonderful personalities on all my babies and big big loving eyes..... my puppies run to the wee wee pads and are always looking for treats and just love.... These are remarkable puppies so intelligent and puppies love plenty of toys My pups range in size full grown from 5-14 pounds....all my puppies are up to date on their vaccines and free of any defects....I provide some FREE health care.....I am a real person with real puppies NOT an internet farmer.....You will just adore my puppies come see us...My prices start at 500 ......I do accept credit cards.......We have puppies which are ready to go to GOOD HOMES Now So text me at (425) 292-8654



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