Standard Poodle Puppies PartiParti-factored

Posh s Pampered Poodles is proud to announce PUPPIES ARE HERE We are a Pittsburgh based family that is passionate about our poodles. We ve owned and cared for poodles all of our lives from Toy all the way up to Standards. Poodles are a fantastic breed of Canine. If you re a poodle veteren I bet you agree If you ve came across us just browsing I d highly suggest you do some research and maybe one of our Standards is a match for your family.Our litter arrived on April 20 2014. Our Dam is a Beautiful Black and White Parti the Sire being a parti-factored all White Stunner Litter consists of 2 cream females 1 cream parti female 1 cream male and 1 cream parti male. Both parents are on site and are apart of our family.This beautiful brood are a must see Available at 8 weeks (mid June) 800 We are now accepting applications. Please contact us for information.Looks Health and Temperament are of extreme importance to us and we try our best to always deliver a well socialized puppy. We strive for quality not quantity as we are small and steer clear of the puppy mill reputation. We take very good care of our pets and treat each puppy as family we love and cherish. We do our best to make sure our puppies go to only loving homes. We encourage all interested parties to come and meet our family. Everyone we sell our puppies to are screened for their protection. Tails and dew claws are properly removed by a licensed veterinarian they will be up to date on shots dewormed and will have all required check ups with our family vet before they leave us. When contacting us please include your email address and what gender puppy you are interested in (at) poshpoodlepuppies (at) gmail. com



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