Wireless Pet Containment System (Portable)

New PetSafe Model Number PIF-300 Wireless Pet Containment System. Portable may travel with you and pet. New paid 250. at PetSmart. Menards now carry this system at a price of 325. The PetSafe Wireless Pet Containment System has been proven safe comfortable and effective for pets over 8 pounds. The system works by transmitting a radio signal up to 90 feet in all directions. You temporarily define the Pet Area with a Boundary Flags for a visual aid in training your pet. Your pet wears a Receiver Collar with contact Points that touch his neck and once trained is allowed to roam freely in the Pet Area. When your pet reaches the Boundary Zone the Receiver Collar gives a warning beep before delivering a safe Static Correction through the Contact Points to get his attention until he returns to the Pet Area.



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