Lost Black and Tan English Shepherd

An English Shepherd that was placed in foster care has been lost. His name is Ned. He is medium -large black & tan. Looks sort of like an Australian Shepherd or long haired Rottweiler to people who don t know the breed. He s male neutered 5 years old. Friendly but may be scared. Ned ran away from the Crossfit Gym in Boone NC. gym. He was leashed and managed to break it on Aug 12. He was last seen running behind the KMart on 321 and behind the Post Office. He is wearing a blue collar with the remains of the leash still attached and a rabies tag. He was being fostered on Daniel Boone Dr. in Boone. His original home was in Portland TN. So he may be headed back toward either of those places. Please help find Ned. Contact Gina Thatcher. 828-231-5636. ginat514(at)gmail.com



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