AKC Chocolate Labrador Retriever puppies

AKC Labrador Retrievers born Sept 18 2014 will be 8 weeks old Nov 13 2014. Chocolate and black. Taking deposits now to hold a puppy of your choice. You are welcome to visit the puppies in my home in Arvada. If you choose one of our puppies you get AKC registration papers their first puppy shots and dewormed a toy collar food and information packet. The information packet includes a baby picture pictures of mom and dad puppy s pedigree general puppy information Labrador Retriever information and 2 year hip and eye health contract guarantee. Price 950.00. Deposit is 250.00 balance of 700.00 due upon pick of of your puppy. We are a small hobby breeder Licensed in Colorado. 303-918-7406 terryfamilyfarm(at)gmail.com www.terryfarm.com



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