Red Tail Boa Babies Available Now

Colombian Red-Tail Boa c. Imperator babies born on 7 22 14 Eating and shedding great Males and Females available. I ask for a 75 adoption fee per animal to help cover my costs to care for them and their parents. If you prefer to adopt 2 the fee drops to 65 each or 130.00. I prefer local pick up but shipping can be arranged depending on temps. Will ship one boa to any of the lower 48 states for 120 total ( 123 if paying via PayPal) 2 for 175.. 178 for PayPal .Check out our facebook page for special deals and pics of parents and many babies KPOphidiariumBefore making your decision please take into consideration that these boas are cute and small now (about 2 ) but will grow quickly. (If and only IF you are serious and ready to adopt and you would like updated pics and a more accurate measurement of a particular snake just ask. Pics of parents available as well.) Be aware also that males will gradually get anywhere from 6-8 feet in length and females will much more quickly reach 8-10 feet in length and may live to around 35 years in captivity. Be sure you are the type of person who will be able to responsibly care for a snake of this size and life expectancy. Contact Kari for further details. Adoption fees and shipping costs can be paid with cash (free) or PayPal ( 3 fee added) if shipping is required. No personal checks. Cash and money orders are accepted as well. If you need a specific animal held for more than a week ( and no more than one month) there will be a 5 weekly care fee added. More info on these snakes here caresheets 40.html 409-338-3409DON T FORGET Check out our facebook page for EXTRA special deals and pics of parents and many babies KPOphidiariumNO TRADES please.. ADULT INQUIRIES ONLY



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