Assembly Gardner MA

Assembler Job Responsibilities Produces components by assembling parts and subassemblies as well as using a microscope.Assembler Job Duties Prepares work to be accomplished by studying assembly instructions blueprint specifications and parts lists gathering parts subassemblies tools and materials.Positions parts and subassemblies by using templates or reading measurements.Assembles components by examining connections for correct fit fastening parts and subassemblies.Verifies specifications by measuring completed component. Resolves assembly problems by altering dimensions to meet specifications notifying supervisor to obtain additional resources.Keeps equipment operational by completing preventive maintenance requirements following manufacturer s instructions troubleshooting malfunctions calling for repairs. Maintains safe and clean working environment by complying with procedures rules and regulations.Maintains supplies inventory by checking stock to determine inventory level anticipating needed supplies placing and expediting orders for supplies verifying receipt of supplies. Conserves resources by using equipment and supplies as needed to accomplish job results. Documents actions by completing production and quality forms.Contributes to team effort by accomplishing related results as needed.Work under a microscope.Apply at



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