yorkies xmas pups small privcate breeder nj

xmas pups yorkies small private breeder.all shots and wormed 10 weeks.mom(4lbs) dad (3lbs) hurry and u can get first choice of the males and females.will be under 4 lbs when grown.located in nj off gsparkway exit 91 or exit 31a route 195 in howell nj.im not a kennel petstore private family with 3 dogs no cages.i cook specially for the dogs fresh chicken rice royal canine.pups go home with food and a xmas outfit.will hold till xmas eve or xmas morning or can take now.see parents.dad and mom go to nursing homes to cheer the elderely and they love to see them.priced at 1 000.00 to 1500.00 please cash only had some really bad checks cant do that anymore call for appointment hurry hurry.there are 4 males and 2 females adorable 732-278-1250 might have to leave message im probley taking care of the little guys will call u right back frank



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