free to good home (brindle pitt)

brindle pitt goes by the name gypsy loves attention and has never displayed any form of family and i nursed her back to health after nearly dying of parvo. she never really belonged to us but was left with us by a friend of my sons and we have been caring for her since wife now has health issues and my attention needs to be focused on her well-being and i really can t keep up with it all.gypsy needs room to run and is a heck of a watchdog with a deep voice and she is very strong. please give her a good home as she has come a long way and would make an excellent companion for someone.when she shows her teeth she is actually smiling as she has an almost human-like demeanor and some people might mistake this for aggression but we have never had a problem with that at all.give gypsy room to run and in return get a good or text me (at) 765-650-8494 or e-mail me (at) kenneth.robnson70(at) (located in frankfrt indiana)



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