Pug Puppies

Pug puppies for sale 850.00 CKC registered. Fawn colored. We have 1 female and 2 males available that have not been reserved. Puppies were born December 14 2014 and will be ready for their new home on Valentine s Day 2015. Puppies will come with their first booster shots first & second worm preventative treatments 1 year health guarantee You can reserve your puppy today with a 425 non-refundable deposit. Personal checks are accepted for deposits with remainder due to be paid in cash at time of pick-up. (Note any checks returned with ISF s will result in a 32 charge added to the remaining cash balance for puppy.) Sorry NO SHIPPING or Courier Services other than myself plus additional fees References available upon request. Contact Ivy Smith at (478) 731-6050 or email (gamtnpugs(at)outlook.com) For more info about us and pictures of our Pugs go to gamountainpugs.simdif.com Saerious Requests Only.



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