Beautiful Black Bunny and big cage

Alright this bunny is a little girl. She is the sweetest little thing but im afraid i dont havethe time to give her as much attention as i wished. She is very soft likes relaxing in her cage drinking tons of water and eating of course. She is still pretty small. She loves hopping around the house once in a while discovering every possible corner She gets along with other animals as well. We have the price at 175 because the bunny cage alone was 160 we got the bunny for 50 and we also have a big bag a food and the litter shedding thatll last about a month or so. We will also include her water bottle. it is reasonable seeing that buying everything would cost over the amount asked. Everything was bought new also. Contact me Jailenne Ramos at 727-742-6246 with a call or text.



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