Pole Dancing Classes - Price: $25+

Pole Monkeyz Pole Dancing Fitness will be starting classes August 1st. We are booking for classes now and spots will fill up fast. We offer different classes such as Intro to the Pole Beginners Intermediate Advanced and Strength & Flexibility. We offer single session pole classes that are 25 pole packages such as 5 pole classes 99 10 pole classes 199 and a 15 & 20 pole class package. We offer private one on one sessions for 85 and semi private sessions for 2-3 people. All other sessions are group classes. All of our sessions and classes are 1 hour long. Please feel free to contact us for more information or to set up an appointment and book your classes today. Come join us and experience a Fun new way to work out Pole dancing offers great benefits one being working out every muscle in your body We look forward to working with you



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