EMPOYMENT NEEDED ASAP TRADES AND SKILLS Are house cleaning office work[filing faxing multi-line phone aswering- mail sorting key rec run arrands appointment scheduling billing statements mailed out to clients Auto detailing expierience in interior shampooing the inside of your vehicle boats Rv S Trailers Couches chairs Area rugs bed matresses pillow case etc. also wash cars and wax with own machine and perfessional auto cleaner polishes and rug doctor carpet machine i own and will apply to service if requested only Gardening and lawn expierince also i have lots of refferences you can call to confirm that It Is Possible for a 5ft 1 PETITE Female age-34 112 pounds shape and sexy curve and enough energy can complete all of these tasks all in a day Satisfaction honest Reliable Perfessional and the costs that i charge will BLOW YOUR MIND CALL jILLIAN (at) 818] 826-1630 AVAILABILIY MON-SUND. ANY TIME 24 HOUR Girl-Friday assistant helper At your service. I have own transportation and equipment plus for first time customers i will give a free service of house cleaning for 2 rooms at half price 50% Off Call Me Now for Free Estemates



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