Lady Mae - Female Polish Mix

Lady Mae was an owner surrender to one of our animal controls. She is a tiny girl around 2 lbs with a big personality. She is nosy and loves to explore. She will do best in a adult only home or home with older children. She does not like quick movements and loud noises. She is spayed and ready settle down in her forever home. If you are new to house rabbits please do your research before adding a bunny to your home. They are phenomenal companions but you must understand rabbit behavior and the level of care they require We adopt out to indoor homes only If you are under the age of 18 we will need a parent or legal guardian to contact us. Our adoption fee is 85 for a single bunny and 140 for a bonded pair. For more information or if you are interested in adopting please send us an email at -----X(at)---.... More Info



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