GoldenDoodles F1B- GoldenDoodle and Standard Poodle. 850. 4 left

Warsaw NYGoldenDoodles F1B- GoldenDoodle and Standard Poodle. Only 4 Left Calls are better. Email only checked once a day. Golden Doodle puppies Born beginning of September. Ready to go end of October. (Halloween Puppy ). Dad is a pure bred AKC Standard Apricot poodle. Mom is a GoldenDoodle F1. See pictures more pictures to follow. Will be Vet checked and have had 1st shots and 1st deworming. Our puppies are raised indoors with lots of playing and attention. We have large and small dogs cats and small children who visit so the puppies are used to other animals and kids. We are taking deposits now. Please note these puppies are normally all sold long before the delivery date listed. Don t wait- Call now to reserve your puppy.4 Puppies available from this litter 2 Females and 2 males left. 850. each.Located in Warsaw- halfway between Buffalo and Rochester. Call for an appointment to see them. 1st come 1st serve. Cash only please. (Half down half when picked up) Please Call Ken or Julia at 585-786-3475 or 585-943-5360 and leave a message. Calls are better. Email only checked once a day. Pictures show the puppies and also the Mom and the Dad.Link to more pictures s juliaspuppies



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