Rusty - Male Terrier (Unknown Type Medium) Mix

You can fill out an adoption application online on our official website.Adorable and playful love bug Just the best little dog ever -.------X.-So cute This adorable happy little boy wants to be apart of a family Loves all very snuggly and playful would make great companion to a family single or another active dog. Rusty is around 2 years old around 12lbs Fostered with kids cats dogs and farm animals he is great with all He is crated at night walks on a leash plays with toys. Great walking running hiking and cuddle buddy Adoption donation 350 includes his neuter Bordatella vaccine DHPP Vaccine heartworm test heartgard frontline rabies microchip and worming. Appointments are available most days dogs are held for SAME-DAY appointments only. Dogs are fostered in Vacaville we do not transport or deliver dogs. All potential adopters must travel to vacaville to meet and potentially adopt dog. Please email ------XX(at)--- to make your appointment or if you have any questions. ) Please be ready to adopt when making a appt. we do not hold dogs while you get ready go on vacation etc. Dogs remain available until they are adopted. If you aren t ready to potentially take a dog home please contact us when you are. ) This helps keep our available appointments time productive. Adopting a dog takes time patience and a commitment from his hers new family please be prepared for ALL the ups and downs when bringing home a wonderful dog in need.Adoption contract available for preview on our direct website -.------X.-Visit this organization s web site to see any additional information available about this pet.... More Info



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