Affordable Oahu Photographers in Waikiki Hawaii - Price: $245.

Aloha my name is Anthony & I am an affordable Oahu vacation photographer in Hawaii & I provide affordable photography photo sessions through out the island of Oahu. Capture your memories of your family vacation or romantic honeymoon.This affordable vacation photography package is limited to weekdays Monday thru Friday from 8am to 330pm. We are pleased to offer 10 packaged specials each month on First Come First Serve basis.Oahu Location Photo Session(1) 8-Gig SD card with all of the high resolution unedited jpg image files that were taken during the session given at the end of the photo session (high resolution unedited jpg file do not contain a watermark or Logo)There is a 45 minute time limit on the photo session.Includes personal copyright for reprint.We do request credit given to the photographer when images are posted on the web.Not recommended for groups larger than 6 people.Price Including Tax 245. ( Still Available )For more details and to reserve your photo session visit our website. hawaii-vacation-photos.htm



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