Co-Work Studios- Virtual Office for Media Professionals - Price:

Don t have your own office or studio space but are looking to project a professional image to clients Introducing a new concept that offers office studio space that is ideal for freelancers entrepreneur and start-ups Co-Work Studios are located in the film district on the corner of Carlaw and Dundas just steps away from the Queen Street streetcars great shops and restaurants. Conveniently near the DVP Gardiner Expressway this is the perfect opportunity for start-up companies and freelancers who are looking to project a professional image. The Virtual Media Hub is a one stop rental studio. The space includes - 2400sf of shared space- Video Photo Studio Boardroom Lounge Reception Area Office area with workstations Full Kitchen Full Washroom - 17ft ceilings in the studio with a cyclorama wall optimal for videography and photography shoots - High Speed wifi - LCD TV in waiting area lounge - Business Address Get an address to impress - Mail Handling primal mailing location in the heart of the film district - Street front access with convenient in out entry Co-Work Studios works just like a virtual office but its created specifically for video and photo professionals or anyone in the media industry. Choose from one of our packages below and operate your business in a space that represents you and your company in the best light. Choose from one of our packages or inquire about a customized package that suits your needs 16 hours month - 560 tax 20 hours month - 720 tax Packages are based on a 6 month term. COMING IN THE NEXT TWO WEEKS 20 X20 GREEN SCREEN FINISHED WHITE FLOOR FOR CYC WALL OFFICE FURNITURE ON MEZZANINE.



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