Micro teacup purebred Maltese

Prices are firm - ONLY adult buyers (finally able to adopt our pampered Maltese should call) Male Micro Teacup Maltese - 9 weeks - 2000 adult weight 3-3.5lbs ( great stud very small [has a wonderful temperment and eautiful face] ) Female Micro Teacup Maltese - 9 weeks - 2500 adult weight 3-3.5lbs ( very small beautiful face ) Female Teacup Maltese - 10 weeks - 1800 adult weight 4-4.5lbs ( small wonderful temperment beautiful face ) They are purebred Maltese vaccinated and vet exams by our licensed veterinarian. They are potty trained and trained to go outdoor. Package includeds consultation potty pads health records foods carrier crate and other necessary supplies. text us and leave your name and number at (540)692-9534. Price reductions won t be entertained please utilize your titme and our wisely (with all due respect).



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