MEOW Foundation s Super Mom Cassy Looking for a Loving Home

Cassie the Charmer Cassie is the sweetest girl and loves being carried pet brushed and doted on She s been very busy lately raising her 5 babies but now that the kittens are older she can finally hang out with people. This makes her a very happy girl Cassie is calm polite and will make an active family a wonderful companion oh and she is BEAUTIFUL MEOW Foundation is a registered charity and humane society with a no-kill mandate. We facilitate the adoption of the stray and abandoned cats that we rescue into new loving permanent homes. We do our best to ensure that our cats will be matched to the best possible homes based on their personality history habits and individual needs. MEOW has adopted 5800 cats into loving homes since 2000. Visit MEOW Foundation s website or call us at 403.230.6033 to learn more about adopting and our life saving programs.



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