Full Time Optician Needed - Compensation: TBD

Augusta GA Full time optician needed in this professional and caring practice. Majority of time spent in sales with some occasional easy lab work. Ideal candidate will be able to assist with pre evaluation for LASIK. Augusta is the second largest city in Georgia and close to the South Carolina border. For further information on a strictly confidential basis email Randi Allen at randi(at)theeyegroup.com For further information on a strictly confidential basis please contact Randi Allen at 561-852-2885 or via email to randi(at)theeyegroup.com. The Eye Group exclusively recruits ophthalmologists optometrists opticians administrators technicians and ophthalmic nurses. If you are looking for a position or need to add to your practice your search ends here All inquiries are kept STRICTLY confidential. There is never a fee to those seeking employment.



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