Wanted Licensed Pest Control Operator - Price: negotiable

I have been doing pest control for my entire adult life as the owner operator of a small pest control company.. I am third generation in the industry and my Grandfather had one of the first 100 pest licenses issued in the state of Florida.. I have been trying give my business to my parents but the quality of work they find acceptable vs what I deem acceptable is quite a distance apart.. I let my license lapse a few years back and have been working under my fathers license since in a together yet seperate araingement.. I have soo many other things I want to do with my life and I am starting to think that though I have a very loyal client base i want to do something more creative..I have a potential partner that is currently selling rodent work for another comppany and we have met several times and I am very impressed by him.. I am looking to go back out on my own again with my new potential partner as we have come to the understanding that I know how to run an effeciant and profitable company I just have communication issues when it comes to employees.. I have several patenable pest control application devices and am truly an inventor inovator visonary and artist that has been stuck trying to run a business for my entire adult life..I am not gifted at running a business and the monotany has become too much to bear of late.. I am looking for someone with a ghp license to launch back out on my own with the my pertner taking care of the business end and I will handle the treatment procedures and start pusuing my passion as an inventor.. If you have a GHP license please contact me and lets see what kind of magic we can create..thanks



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