Pomskie (half pom and half huskie)

I have a Pomskie for sale for 2500. For those of you who do not know about Pomskie Breed....these are high demand dogs and normally is a wait list and the price can range up to 5 000 varying on preference of color of coat and color of eyes. His name is Chase and he is 11 weeks old. All shots up to date and Chase is microchipped. He is bi-eyed (one blue and one brown) Vet states Chase will be 15 to 20 lbs full grown.... Purchased from breeder about 3 weeks for 3000. (Will provide you proof of original contract and price paid with breeder). My wife was a stay at home mom and due to personal issues my wife now is back to work and unfortunately we will not have enough time to provide this little guy the care attention and home he deserves. We are looking for a caring owner that will have time to take care of Chase and give him a GREAT home. If interested or have any questions please text or call directly Tim at (925) 421-6868. Local buyer s preferred.....Serious inquiries ONLY please.



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