circle s roping saddle

Circle s roping saddle for sale bought 1.5yrs ago only rode in maybe 5x s on trails never has been roped off of. It is in great condition and sound tree it has been stored in the garage never in a trailer. My husband found one he fits in better and this one does not fit his horse as well is why we are selling. Also has slanted stirrups on it (which are a 65 new) also has a back girth latigo and off billet. Asking 450 shipped plus 3%paypal fee or local pick up for less. Brand circle s roping saddle 2000Seat 16 Bars full quarter horse Gullet 7 Swell 13 Horn 3.5 Cantle 3.5 Skirt 13 24 Weight 34lbsLocated in bowling green ky can send more pics



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