
Lilly Rosey CeCe and Cutie these are but a few of 20 cats each with their own name and special personality in jeopardy of being euthanized unless I find homes for them or help fostering one or more with the goal of your finding them a forever home. August 24th I will be having surgery on my wrist in OC and will be here for 3 weeks. Unfortunately all of the cats must have a forever home by then or will have to be put down. I can bring all of the cats that are spoken for to Oregon San Diego and OC this month or August prior to my surgery. Please let me know if you can help so that I can make the proper arrangements to bring them to you at that time. Also please forward this to anyone you know who might also be able to help Unfortunately my commitment to my mother to care for and rehome the over 100 cats that she rescued prior to her death a year ago has exacerbated my Multiple Sclerosis with deterioration of my overall health. Sadly this makes it impossible to continue my efforts to honor the commitment to her and the cats. I have contacted over 55 shelters and rescue groups but none can help at this time. The alternative for the remaining 23 cats if homes are not found is more than I can deal with but according to my doctors is a necessary decision for the sake of my own wellbeing.



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