Adult and Puppy Chihuahua s

Due to my Husband a Vet in the Army of 14 years passing away monday June 8 2015 of stage 4 lung cancer I regretably have to sell my Adult and Puppy Chihuahua s to good loving homes in order to help pay for expenses. The adult chihuahua s are 25- 50 and the puppies are 100. These are all loving dogs and love kids. They are all very smart. I have red merles blondes blue merles brown tan black & white. I have both male and female long and short hair. I live in the Simms Texas area. ( NO Emails) I can not send pictures you have to come out to see them. Call at (903) 543-1294 for more information. Have your family and friends help me find my babies good loving homes. Thank you Janie



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