Hank - Male Chihuahua Mix

Please contact Anne (-----X(at)---) for more information about this pet. Please apply online at -X ----XX.- adoption-application Hank is about a year old and has an outgoing playful personality. He wants to play with everyone and though quite active during playtime settles right down when held or put in his crate. Hank understands what go to your crate means though sometimes needs a little extra sweet talking to convince him it s a good idea. He loves his walks and does really well on a harness busily exploring everything in his path and exuberantly greeting everyone. He can become yappy but is learning hush and is getting better about quieting down. He s doing well with house-training but is still not trusted unattended for more than an hour at a time. Hank is super sweet and is learning fast. He would be great as either a single dog (with playtime and walks daily) or as a family pet. For more information on Hank please contact his foster mom Anne. -----X or -----X(at)--- Please apply online at -X ----XX.- adoption-application ... More Info



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