Our company is expanding in the Michigan area! Hiring Immediatel

OUR COMPANY IS EXPANDING IN THE MICHIGAN AREA HIRING IMMEDIATELY We are looking for highly motivated individuals to join our sales team as we are expected to be expanding here in Chesterfield MI. Sales experience is not required but a plus as we will provide you with ongoing training each and every week your own personalized website to assist with your sales as well as top notch marketing tools. The ideal candidate will be available to work a minimum of 4 hrs per day 5 days a week and be able to work in a fast paced environment. We offer great pay plus benefits and our company has been in business for over 84 yrs. If you enjoy speaking with people then WE want to speak with you For more information regarding the position please call (586)741-9316 or you may reply to this ad directly by sending your resume. Note when calling should you get our voice mail we ask that you leave your full name along with an email address. The best time to reach you and a valid phone number where you can be reached. Darlene West Hiring Manager



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