AKC Basset Hound Puppies in North CarolinaAccepting Deposits Now

Thank you for considering your new family member from HOUND EARS BASSETS Born to this litter 7 males 3 females on May 20 2019.We will be happy to email photos of puppies and both parents upon request.Colors available mahohany & white tri-colorAKC purebred BASSET HOUND puppies with LIMITED REGISTRATION. Puppies will be ready for their new family at 8 weeks old the weekend of Saturday July 13th and Sunday July 14th as pick up days.Deposit to hold (non-refundable) 150.00 and deposit monies will go towards purchase price on pick up day in cash of 675.00 Total price is 825.00 Puppies will go to their new homes with AKC limited registratable papers health guarantee 1st immunization shot at 6 weeks old series of de-worming puppy folder with current health records sample bag of puppy chow toy (with mom & siblings scent) and collar.Dam (mother) is tri-color double registered both AKC (American Kennel Club) & CKC (Continental Kennel Club) She had 1 litter in 2017 and this will be only her 2nd litter. Sire (father) is mahogany and white double registered both AKC (American Kennel Club) & CKC Continental Kennel Club) several champion bloodlines in 3 year generation on Sire s pedigree . Both parents are on-site and weigh 60 lbs. We DO NOT back-to-back breed our basset hounds every heat cycle they have this is not good at all for the adults and also puppies born.All our basset hounds love their enclosed lightly wooded 6200 square feet exercise area.We are professional and take pride in our basset hounds and where our puppy s new forever homes will be.33.5 years experience with raising Basset Hounds WE DO NOT SHIP I am a Member of AKC American Kennel Club CKC Continental Kennel Club Purina Pro Club and I am a Certified Dog Groomer



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