Recruiter/Benefits Specialist - Price: to be discussed

Recruiter Benefits Specialist Dental and Medical Discounts Contractor This is a contractor position for work-at-home. Perfect for mothers retired people disabled people but also a great plan for anyone looking for freedom from their job. We are a solid American-owned debt-free 21-year old company. We have an A rating with the Better Business Bureau. We offer superior training and support to our independent business owners. The monthly business overhead is small and includes company medical benefits as well as a significant array of other discount packages. Training is included provided by highly-successful people that are on the most successful team in the company. We market affordable dental and health discounts for services that are needed by America s families provided by local dentists doctors chiropractors and vision specialists. We also offer a nation-wide tele-doctor program that is available 24-7 pharmacy discounts and a hospital advocacy program that will give significant help with hospital stays. This is not insurance but the discounts will help fill insurance gaps. Works well if a family has no insurance at all. 30 Day money-back guarantee for all but the 19.95 annual registration fee.



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