2006 Mitsubishi Evo MR - Price: 25,500

Husband has cancer must sell my baby to help pay the bills. 2006 Mitsubishi lancer evolution MR fully loaded 4 cylinder turbo. 4 door. Clean has k& n drop in filter new battery 3 inch turbo back stainless exhaust. Just passed emissions. 458 horse power at the wheels. Tinted windows pioneer in dash DVD player 2 JL subwoofers. I have a extra set of rims and a extra back seat if the price is rite. Make me a offer. These cars are 40k new Keep in mind I m not a crack head and o will not give my stuff away. Email me or call me with reasonable offers. Meshaluvsherevo(at)gmail.com or 443-623-0726 Chris n michelle



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