Ford Parts and Engines

Up on the auctioning block.... I really hate to but it is necessary. My loss is your gain. We just got too overwhelmed with too many projects and needing to let go of some things. If you dont see what you are looking for call us We have lots and lots more Call 228-868-0000 or call text 228-265-0648 Here is a small list of things that can either be purchased or traded for 4.6 PI Engine out of a 2003 Crown Vic. It needs valve covers and intake... They got busted up when this person was removing it. Was going to do a V-6 to V-8 swap but plans changed. Make me an offer on this engine. Ford 460 engine (complete) with or without the C6 tranmission with torque converter. Came out of a 73 T-Bird. Dont know much more about the engine trans as we saved it from a graveyard. Asking 450.00 for just the engine - 300.00 for the C6 transmission - or 700 for both. Have several 4100 and 4150 carbs available as well as a great assortment of Holley Carbs. Some are already rebuilt and some need to be rebuilt. Call for pricing. 1969-70 428 429 Cobra Jet Close Ratio 4 speed transmission. Asking 1400.00 or of equal trade. 1971 Comet GT body only... But we do have an assortment of engines and transmissions that can be bought with it. Asking 1000.00 for just the body with a clear title. Engine and transmission addition can be negotiated. 1965 Falcon with 9 rear. Was being built to race... And do have a 289 engine with slight modifications that is ready to be put over in it. Asking 2500.00 for the car or 3200 with the engine. 1981 351W with 4bbl. Runs Great Asking 550. 1997 Mustang GT 4.6L with 5-speed. Radiator & coolant tank needs reinstalling. Car needs a paint job as it is a car of many colors Needs a new windshield (the molding has already been taken off but do have). This is an easy project car. Just have about 3 Mustangs too many. Asking 1750.00. 1981 Chev P-30 Truck (looks like a bread truck). Runs great and the roof has been insulated on the inside. Asking 3450.00. Many many uses for this truck Just have too many toys... This is a very short list of parts and autos up for sale. Looking to trade for 9 rear with disc brakes for a 2000 Mustang New Black Convertible Top with heated Back glass for 99-04 Mustang Black interior door panels to fit 2000 Mustang. Guns Pistols Rifles Ammo Long Range Scope Motorcycle Parts Mainly any Harley Stunt Bike Parts for 02 CBR600RR or 01- 06 Suzuki 600f4i Almost Anything... As long as it is of equal trade. Do not call me with crap because we do not have crap to trade. I will try to get pics up ASAP of these but until then I can either send pics to your phone or email. Call text 228-265-0648 (prefer texting) or call 228-868-0000.



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