Ella - Female Domestic Shorthair

We were surrendered to a local shelter when we were about 6 weeks old. We weren t very happy to be in the shelter -- we were scared and frightened and missed our mom -- and we hissed and spat at the shelter staff. They decided we weren t adoption candidates and placed us on a special needs list -- in other words if a rescue group didn t take us we were goners. Fortunately the Fat Cat people saw our photos and knew we d settle down once we were out of the shelter and got lots of love and attention. The best way you can tell me apart from my brothers and sister is that I have the smallest smidgen of white around my mouth. I am very quiet affectionate and super cute. When I was little it took me a while to get used to people but once I warm up to you I will start purring right away when you pick me up. I love playing with my brothers and sister. There are two things in life that I think are just fascinating a plastic cat toy with a spinning ball (I love catching the ball with my paws ) and looking out the window. I hope I can find a forever home soon - will you adopt me Please note Indoor onlyMore information & application... More Info



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