Part-Time Event Specialist | United States (TX , KS , WY)

An Event Specialist generates excitement brand awareness and increases product sales through event sampling and promotions. The Event Specialist is responsible for reading all program materials set up and breakdown of their working area preparing and sampling products on scheduled event days. Advantage Sales and Marketing is expanding and undertaking a brand new project in your area and we looking for candidates to conduct product demonstrations on a part time basis at a high traffic retail store in your area. This is a great job for people persons who love to have great time at work and are passionate about helping others Competitive pay and benefits. Locations 1. TX (Flower Mound Sachse Coppell ) 2. KS (El Dorado McPherson Lawrence Liberal Derby Andover) 3. WY(Rawlins) Job Description Part Time 24 hours week 10- 11 hr HS Diploma GED 6 open positions 6 months experience. Reliable transportation a must. Background check and Drug screen required. Demos are conducted every day of the week but primarily on Friday Saturday and Sunday at 10.00 per hour. The club supervisor can provide more detailed information. I am looking for candidates who are outgoing and friendly have good computer skills love having fun on the job. who like good food and have the ability to teach others If you are interested and would like to learn more call me Job Requirements 18 years of age or older. HS diploma or GED Daily access to a computer and the internet Dependable transportation Willing to participate in drug testing and background check. To apply online careers pages krogerevents.aspx I look forward to speaking with you. Meenu Arora - Recruiter ASM 304-506-3368 meenu.arora(at)



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