2005 Ford Ranger XL - Price: $14,987

Move quickly Like the feeling of having people stare at your car This amazing Ranger will definitely turn heads. This is a 2005 Ford Ranger with only 70633 miles. This vehicle has a Green exterior. This vehicle is in excellent condition and has been well taken care of. The Ford Ranger comes equipped with a Manual 5-Speed transmission. Standard features include 4-wheel ABS brakes Air conditioning Passenger Airbag - Cancellable 207 hp horsepower 4.0 L liter V6 SOHC engine 2 Doors Four-wheel drive Tachometer Clock - In-radio display Power steering Intermittent window wipers Pickup Bed Type - Regular 4WD Type - Part-time Bed Length - 72.3 ... This is a beautiful vehicle. There is no excuse why you would even think about letting this Ford Ranger pass you by Here at Guaranty Chevrolet we pride ourselves on being extremely competitive with the going prices on all our vehicles. We will give you a fantastic deal and



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